Everything has CHANGED now that I live in Zurich. see what I used to like to eat in San Diego

Tenez bonne table et soignez les femmes.

Keep a good table and attend to the ladies. -Napolean


cofffffeeeee this is how I drink it in Zurich

where i get coffee




As was in San Diego...so it is in Zurich:
My culinary stye can best be described as willy-nilly.


specialties of the hut


A processed cellular mass that is obtained from the filamentous fungus Fusarium venenatum strain PTA-2684


I'm currently trying to find the BEST recipe for:

  1. dal
  2. sesame noodles
  3. N.O. red beans/rice
  4. cuban garbanzo bean soup

Yohann and Celine, my French coworkers have special delicious powers. I want to harveast them.



Here are mysteriously delicious recipe names. These titles are mere hypothetical shells of deliciousness. We need Procedures. Protocols. Methods. CONCLUSIONS. Stay tuned.









here are recipes from people I know. I need more:


Coming soon:



BabyChamps Hot Sauce
Kate Yogurt Sauce
Leek's out the ass


new orleans yum



Linde Oberstrauss : ever since I ate Cordon Bleu here I have NOT BEEN THE SAME. Sammi Niggi Nachi Hunter und Offre Stecki. I am a drooling mess.

Bierhalle Wolfe if a good oompa band is playing, grammy just might get up and dance on the table. ghort has given this the "best schnitzel/pommes in Zurich" declaration. I give it my vote for best "Rosti mit zwei Spiegeleir" (basically hash-browns with two eggs). Both these things are typically Swiss-dishes you can find everywhere, so this is THE current place to go for good ole swiss food and entertainment.

Lily's Stomach Supply: it burns so good....this is where I get my spice fix.